I had my best friend stab me in the back. I had the most important person in my world lie to me. Despite it being 7 months now, it still hurts. A lot. It still crosses my mind more than I wish it would.
But you know what? I'm doing alright. I'm working on doing alright. The sadness that made me useless for months has devolved to a level of frustration as my other stressors (school, money, pets, never being as internet famous as I feel like I should be) and I feel like I can put a cap on it when it flares up most of the time.
Falling out of love with someone is the hardest thing I've had to force myself to do. I wish I was exaggerating. Literally the hardest.
Do I still hate myself? Who the fuck doesn't. Do I still wake up, a little bit bitter that I didn't die in my sleep? Sure enough. Is my sadness a bit more well distributed? Yeah, I guess so. I have more things to be cynical about than a girl that broke my heart.
So. Sad optimism. Things'll work out.